Environmental Sub-Committee
The SAPP Environmental Sub-Committee (ESC) was formed in Johannesburg, South Africa in August 1996.The main responsibility of the ESC is to alert and advise the SAPP Management Committee on best environmental management practices and related issues. These include the development of environmental management guidelines for the SAPP and reviewing such guidelines from time to time. It is the responsibility of the sub- committee to keep abreast of world and regional matters relating to Environmental Management Systems and issues to do with climate change mitigation and adaptation to ensure sustainability.
The duties of the Environmental Sub-Committee include but not limited to:
Development of Environmental Guidelines for SAPP and reviewing such guidelines from time to time.
Liaising with environmental organizations of Governments of Member States through the appointed representative.
Keeping abreast of world and regional matters relating to air quality, water quality, land use and other environmental issues.
Presenting all findings and recommendations to the Management Committee, Planning, Markets and Operating Sub Committees.
Making recommendations to harmonize regional environmental legislation relating to electrical energy in the whole production chain.
Providing Key Performance Indicators for environmental impact assessment for SAPP interconnector projects.
Determining the environmental risk in SAPP that would affect the sustainability of SAPP.
Undertaking needs assessment and explore capacity-building initiatives for SAPP utilities including further training, attachments and exchange visits in environmental issues.Providing input on environmental issues to other sub committees.