SAPP Trading arrangements are meant to fulfill the vision of SAPP which is to:
- Facilitate the development of a competitive electricity market in the Southern African region.
- Give the end user a choice of electricity supply.
- Ensure that the Southern African region is the region of choice for investment by energy intensive users.
- Ensure sustainable energy developments through sound economic, environmental & social practices.
- STEM, was initially used in SAPP and currently DAM system is being used .The pool moved from a cooperative to a competitive pool
SAPP Current Trading Portfolios
- Bilateral Trading Objectives are mainly
- To meet long term demand and supply balance
- To underpin Generation and Transmission Investments
- Over The Counter Trading (OTC) Objective is
- To meet short term demand and supply balance
- DAM Trading Objectives are mainly
- To optimize supply & demand portfolios in a bid to minimize cost of supply and maximize participants profits
- Assists in managing load and generation fluctuations
- Bilateral, OTC and DAM trading complement each other and are not meant to compete against each other
- Post DAM Objectives are
- To mainly settle all the outstanding requirements after the actual DAM Trading has been done
DAM Governing Documents
- DAM Book Of Rules
- Agreement between all participants and Market Operator
- A living document but binding
- DAM Participation Agreement
- Agreement between each participant and Market Operator
Implementation Structure
- Markets Sub Committee
- Market Surveillance & Monitoring Team
- Market Operator
- Control Areas and TSOs for Dispatch, Scheduling & Imbalance management